Thursday, May 15, 2008

Classes, new and old

The members who took the "Scrap Therapy" class in April and May have all been hard at work, ironing and cutting scraps now that they have learned a system!

Many thanks to Joan Ford for coming to visit, and to Janet Lutz of Calico Gals quilt shop in Fayetteville, NY, for coming along and feeding our need to shop!

Two of the completed tops were presented at the May 10 Guild meeting during "Show and Tell"
On the left is Lorraine West's quilt. Martha Lorshbaugh's, on the right, looks different, even though all used the same "Scrap Chops" pattern because of color placement. Martha also decided to use as many of her scraps as possible, so her quilt came out a bit bigger.

In June, the Guild is happy to welcome Louise Thiemann, who will present a lecture and a 3-d applique workshop. You can see Louise's sea creatures in her blog. There is still room in the class. If interested, please contact Martha.

More goodies from the May "Show and Tell" for you to OOOh and Ahhh are presented below. (I apologize to the makers for not including the names, but I lost the list. :-)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Get your tickets now!

Tickets are now being sold for this beautiful King Sized (approximately 108" x 116") quilt to be raffled at the Museum Quilt Guild's October quilt show, "Stitches in Time 2008".

Bonnie Fowler, Raffle Quilt committee chair, and a dedicated group of volunteers have spent many pleasant hours choosing colors, buying fabrics, preparing kits and completing the top for this quilt, made almost entirely of batiks!

Many of the Guild's members will now take a turn at hand quilting this lovely quilt.

Raffle tickets were distributed at the April meeting. If any members did not yet receive their tickets to sell, please contact Connie Grimsley.

Tickets are $1 each. Interested in buying a ticket?? Drop us an email, and we'll find a way to get one to you!