Thursday, October 3, 2013

Jelly Roll Race Sewing

Thanks to Alex Hammon, I have some pictures of the fun had by all who stayed to work on jelly roll quilts after the August meeting.  The wonderful light at the nursing home makes it a great place for sewing. 

Carolyn Kurek, Melaine Watson, Linda Prouty and Pat Gardner having a sewing bee

Dorothy Doerrer is either supervising while Mary Anne Watson works, or waiting for the iron

Donna Tomski and Carol McNally working hard.

Ann Renica (the jelly roll queen), Eula Serrino and Jeri Mount

Shilrey Lapp and Nancy Schrader thinking "These seams are SO long!"
Kathi Everett and Lori Anderson sewing right along

It looks like they were well fed!

Not sure whose feet are peeking out of there?

Nancy is happy it's finished- and so pretty!
Melanie and Mary Anne were happy with the results , and everyone had so much fun, there will probably be another opportunity for those, like me, who had to miss this event.

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