Monday, March 17, 2025

It's spring! Wait, no it's not.


So we're in that time of year where we can have all four seasons in one day! The day of our meeting was a wonderful early taste of spring outside.  (So naturally the heat was finally on in the auditorium)

We had plenty to enjoy inside as well at the March meeting, with lots of show and tell and a great speaker, followed by a class for the lucky members who were able to stay after the meeting.

In case you missed it (or want another look).....

PS- these were all taken on my phone since I forgot my camera.  Let me know if you notice a difference in photo quality. It might be a bit easier for me this way, but I'll remember the camera next time if the pictures don't do the work justice.  

Shirley Lapp- made at retreat. This will be hanging in the Clarence show in April.

           Terry McGuire took a class online where she learned some quilt as you go techniques.  

                  Alex Hammon made a new friend at retreat.  They were called "bunnies" but Alex's is more                        of a minion.

Alex also made this yo-yo kitty for her daughter at retreat.  It's called crashbox, modeled after an unfortunate character in a book Jamie loves.  

Alex shared Kevin's latest accomplishment.  For the new people, the owl was painted on the fabric by Kevin, then made into a quilt.  Kevin will return later this year to teach another class for us!

Alex also made both herself and Kevin machine covers at retreat.  Kevin's uses the same map fabric from the owl.

Tracy Jachimowicz pieced this quilt, which she started with her granddaughter, at retreat. Mary Lowe quilted it.  It's a gift for the granddaughter's cousin.

Mary Ellen Casey used a panel she found hiding in her stash to make this door hanging as a gift for a neighbor. If you look closely you might be able to see how Mary Ellen carried the flower into the border with her quilting.  

                           Nancy Mitchell pieced these tops (above and below) at retreat.  

                    Donna Kaufman made this quilt for a new baby who lives in Arizona.

Melanie Tubinis used to be in charge of community service projects with her mom.  She saved a couple of almost finished projects to complete herself.  It's been "a while", as she said, but this one is finished!

Melanie took a class at Creekside fabrics to make this sweet little gingerbread house on the embroidery machine.  It was later on the snack table in a jar with fairy lights- just the cutest thing ever!

Elaine Ross was cleaning out her stash a bit when she ran across a piece of fabric that needed to be made into this quilt.  

Barb Sage was asked to make a memory quilt for a friend.  She used this "Picnic basket" pattern.  She said she learned a lot making this quilt. 

Mary Beth Letson quilted and finished this Grinch tree skirt at retreat, with a little help for the super fun bai binding.

Nancy Schrader also made a "bunny" at retreat, but hers turned out to be a gnome.

Using a small shopping bag as the pattern, Nancy made this tote bag for her grandson, using dinosaur fabrics.

Kathy Belluscio found this in a bag of donated fabric, and hand quilted it.  It's just big enough for a wheelchair quilt, so she donated it to community service.

Kathy pieced the blocks at retreat- using strips she had already mad on deli paper to use up scraps.

Liz Scott took home a couple of the kits she cut at our community service work day, pieced and quilted them and returned them today!  (the showoff :-))

Liz also pieced this quilt for her great niece at retreat, then quilted in on her longarm.

Laurie Kilbury quilted this community service quilt after last month's work day.

Laurie found several of these Celtic know panels, and made one into this quilt.  There are more panels, which will be offered as a raffle next month.

Laurie likes to make Buffalo Bills quilts. This one has fleece on the back, and os for sale (unless someone bought it at the meeting?)

Apologies to our speaker, Kelly Beckwith, of Tulip Cottage Quilts.  I usually try to get more flattering pictures than this. 
Kelly is most well known for her fusion quilt- adding crochet lace to a quilt!

                   But she is also a pattern designer, with many beautiful seasonal designs.

And now she is also a fabric designer.  This is the pattern she designed for her newest collection, called "Cottage Florals".  
There are free patterns using these fabrics at the Marcus fabrics website here

I think we'll have a nice assortment of the "fusion" quilts at our next show! (I hope)

Our April meeting is on April 12- ONE WEEK EARLY, due to the Easter holiday. Our program will be a history of quilts, from the Genesee Country Museum!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Cold hands, warm hearts

 Members of the guild who braved the snowy forecast outside and chilly temperatures inside, came together to work on Community Service projects at the February meeting. Our hands (and feet and noses) were cold, but we still did a lot of good work to help people in need!

Show and tell is, of course, everybody's favorite part of the meeting!

Mary Ellen Ames brought in this top she pieced from a Community Service Kit.  The pattern is called "Fractions"

Kathi Everett made herself a new nametag with bits and pieces and hand embroidery.

Tracy Jachimowicz made this sweet charm/ I-spy quilt and made sure to put Batman near the center!

Tracy added some elements from another project to this panel for her grandson.

Mary Ellen Casey had a picture of her grandson printed on fabric at "Red Dog Enterprises" and turned it into a little wall quilt for him.  

New members are being encouraged to make nametags. Dee Waldruff  is now entered into the nametags basket drawing!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  New member Stephanie Mott used her "Ugly" fabrics to make a fun pillow cover, which she was still stitching on during the business meeting.  

Stephanie bid on a custom nametag at the December auction, and won.  This is what Jen Grimsley made for her!

Elaine Moodie made some orphan blocks into Wee Little Quilts for the consortium.  

Elaine used her embroidery machine to make most of this Valentine's Day table runner. 
Elaine bought the kit for this quilt, titled "If Mary was a Quilter" at the December auction

Terry McGuire took a "10 Sisters" class and made this lucky shamrock quilt.  

Terry finished this charm 9-patch quilt for community Service.

Laurie Kilbury finished this Community Service quilt, made with blocks donated by member Lorraine West.  

Connie Grimsley found a bunch of orphan blocks in the Community Service stash and made them into a very cool quilt!

Sue Chiddy used leftover strips to make some placemats- great idea!

Many hands make light work, as they say- and here we have many hands at work- cutting kits, piecing tops, adding bindings....  And enjoyed the warmth of fellowship as we worked together! (too corny?  Sorry, but not sorry)

This is the only project I got a picture of- pieced by Nancy Mitchell.

Don't forget to go vote for your choices in the Challenge at the library.  The next challenge will be announced at the March meeting.
March speaker will be Kellie Beckwith possibly with fabulous new fabrics to share with us!