The Guild - and the writer, obviously- had a very busy summer ,which led into preparations for the quilt show, which brings us to now. Time to catch up!!!
In July, the Guild had their annual picnic, featuring lots of goodies made by Guild members. Eating meetings are always well attended! This one was also noteworthy because we had our second annual Chinese auction. This year's auction was bigger than the first one. It was hard to decide where to put your tickets, as there were SO many fabulous items available. 
Some of the most sought after prizes were items donated by family members of a long time member, Vera Sanzo. To our great sorrow, we lost her over the summer. All who knew and loved Vera were thrilled to have something of hers to remember her by. Some were items she made, which will be precious keepsakes; and some were fabrics she never got to use, which will find a new life in very special projects.
In August, the Guild had a wonderfull trunk show from Caren Betlinski, who does fabulous thread painting. Some may be familiar with her work, Swamp Angel, which was shown in Paducah in 2007. We liked Caren's work so well, we have invited her to come back in 2009 to teach us a bit of her techniques. The class will feature flowers similar to the sunflowers in this quilt.
Details on the class will be coming soon.
If you missed Caren's show at the Guild meeting, she will be doing a trunk show during the Quilts=Art=Quilts show at the Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center.
In other news, Dodie Morrison, long time coordinator of the Community Service projects for the Guild, decided to step down. Fortunately, Melanie and Mary Ann Watson, stepped right up to take over for her- never knowing what they were getting into!! Dodie has happily been filling her car with goodies for them to play with, including the
finished projects that members have been turning in.
If you haven't met Melanie and MaryAnn, take the time to welcome them to their new position, sign out a kit for some blocks, or a quilt you can finish- or just enjoy chatting with them. They are really sweet, special girls!At the quilt show on October 17 and 18, we were happy to welcome back some of our distant members and "old" friends!!!
Deb and Shirley were long time members and good friends so we are always happy when they can come visit us!!! Shirley had even sent some of her quilts a head to be entered into the show. Hopefully they actually got to enjoy the show in between all the hugs and stops to catch up with everyone!
More about the show next time....