At the February meeting, the membership approved all expenses necessary to host Esterita Austin in May. So if you've been waiting to sign up for classes, the time is NOW!! She will be teaching "Sheers to You!" on Thursday May 21 and "Creating the Illusion of Depth" on Friday, May 22. Both classes run from 9:30 to 4:00. See the samples
here. Classes are filling fast so get your payment in quickly to reserve your spot, especially for the Friday class. Contact Martha at lorshbaughm@msn.com for more information.
The Board would like to thank membership for supporting this event. We hope to be able to host more "big names" in the future. In fact, if you have a suggestion for a teacher or a topic, please contact Martha or Kathi Everett.
Many thanks and great reviews are due Kathi Everett for her work in coordinating a fabulous selection of demos from members of the Guild at the February meeting!! We were treated to the talent and expertise of four very generous ladies who gave of their time and talents to inspire the rest of us!!!

Melanie Watson showed how to turn a placemat into a purse.
Cheryl Doody shows us how to do a perfect binding.

Sharon Larson teaches us that crayons aren't just for little kids anymore. (Actually, these are wax pastels)

Jean Butzer shared how to do stunning invisible machine applique, but the picture I took was awful. Sorry Jean.