The Guild honored two long time volunteers for National Quilting Day. Millie and Eileen come early to every meeting and set up a wealth of information at the sign in table. They cheerily greet each person who enters and makes sure to remind them to sign in, take their name tags, sign up for show and tell, take newsletters- or direct those with questions to the right person. They work hardest while most of us are eating a snack. This position is not an elected one. There is no term for being the membership committee. They just keep on doing it and we are all extremely grateful. In case you didn't think we had noticed, we did! (Sorry I didn't get them to sit still for a picture)

We had another great show and tell at the March meeting, thanks to the efforts of many members willing to share their work with us. Dodie Morrison's Kaleidoscope was a favorite. And I apologize to the new member who made this beautiful shadow quilt, as I lost the paper where your name was written.

After the meeting, quite a few members stayed to work on Community Service projects. Melanie and MaryAnn had a lot of variety of projects, from the six hour serger quilts to tops needing only to be tied and bound. MaryAnn had to be reminded not to do all the work herself, as the kits she prepared for us were so complete we felt almost unnecessary! But we appreciate their lugging all of this back and forth for us- and for the community!

IMPORTANT REMINDER for those taking the classes with Esterita Austin in May. If there is a KIT FEE on your supply list, you must bring payment for the kit on the day of the class.
Please also remember to bring a lunch with you. There is a refirgerator at the church we may use to store them if needed.