Did you know the Guild is 30 years old this month??? Kate Martin has been working with the staff at the Holland Land Office Museum to prepare a display to commemorate this fact. On Sept 9, six original members of the Guild came together with several volunteers to create a sort of "look how far we've come" showing.

With eager anticipation, the staff watched as the quilts were unfolded and stories were shared of the early days.
Trudy Kutter brought a group quilt made by those early members and reminisced about sitting around the frame together and quilting during the free time they had while children were in school.
Many laughs were shared about the fabrics in those early quilts. One member said people ask why we only used pindots? The answer: that was all there was!

A reception will be held on Friday, September 25 from 6- 9 pm to honor the founding members and meet any members of the public who come to join the celebration.