In case you hadn't heard, Sharon Larson has arranged for us to have George and Virginia Siciliano visit us during the quilt show on October 15th and 16th!!!
George and his wife are from Lebanon, PA and are both award winning quilt makers. George was appearing at one of the vendor booths in Lancaster and these are pictures of some of his quilts.

Workshop 9-4 on Oct. 15, "Size Really Does Matter," a miniature quilt workshop, all skill levels. $50 for guild members; $55 for non-members.
Lecture, 7 p.m. Oct. 15, "This Guy Must Be Nuts," humorous trunk show presentation. Admission $5.
Workshop 9-4 Oct. 16, "Twirling Logs," all skill levels, not a miniature quilt block but second in the "Amazing Log Cabin Variations" series. $50 for guild members; $55 for non-members.
Guild members can sign up any time for workshops. Workshops open to all after our July guild meeting.Contact Sharon for more information or to sign up. You can see the workshop information and pictures of the projects at George's website. (look for the link to George's workshops)