The quilt show is only 7 weeks away! You have until Sept 4th to register your quilts. Forms are available in the July newsletter, or you may use the super easy online form. Remember you can always show less than you register, but you may NOT show quilts that are not registered!
If you haven't signed up for classes with George Siciliano, now is the time to do so! Information on the classes can be found here. Bring a friend! Contact Elaine Ross: elainejr@rochester.rr.com to sign up.
Parking is limited at St Anthony's so we are working on a shuttle service to allow you to park at the Presbyterian church. If you can help with that, please contact Cathy Judkins.
If you are unfamiliar with the area, St Anthony's is at 114 Liberty St. Liberty Street turns off of Main St at the corner where the Pennysaver has moved. The Presbyterian church and the Key Bank are also located at this intersection. Follow Liberty across Ellicott. St Anthony's is the second building on the right. From the West, bear right off of Main St onto Ellicott ( Route 63). Turn right onto Liberty Street at the third light. St Anthony's is the second building on the right.
There are still openings for all shifts at the show, especially hostesses. Remember, working a shift means you get in to the show for free! Being a hostess allows you to spend a lot of time looking at the quilts, and the vendor stalls, plus you get to chat with fellow quilters from all around the area!
If you are going out shopping, contact Martha for some fliers or bookmarks to help promote the show!