Kate and Mary Ellen placing a few extra pins |
The Challenge display went up earlier than expected yesterday, due to the coming storm! Thanks again to those who came when I called! I'll post the awards after the judging.....
Warning- you're going to want something sweet after you look at these pictures!
John finally got the hang of pinning, too! |
Linda Prouty's Chocolate Dreams Jacket and tote. Winner- Best Use of Color! |
Gloria Crittenden's classic hexagons |
Mary Ellen Ames and Maxine have a" Great Idea"! |
Melanie Watson and the "Creation of the Chocolate Lab" Winner- for Creativity |
Mary Ann Watson asks "Chocolate, Anyone?" |
Elaine Ross's "Chocolate Covered Raspberries" Winner- Best Machine Quilting |
Kate Martin went "Crazy for Chocolate" - Winner- Best Hand Work* |
The judges changed the award from Hand Quilting to hand
work, because of the extraordinary stitching on this crazy quilt!
"Lucy and Ethel" by our own version of the famous comedy duo. |
Mary Ellen Ames, "Love That Chocolate" |
Chris Kuehl's "Chocolate Splash" Winner- Best Execution of Theme |
Donna Tomski is growing chocolate in her garden!
"Chocolate Growing in Chocolate Pots" |
Cynda Watroba celebrates "Stella and Stan" Winner- for Design |
Gloria Crittenden: Chocolate and Double Pink" |
Kathi Everett made us a "Chocolate Layer Cake" |
Mary Ellen Casey's "Candy Dishes" has to be seen up close to read all the words in the quilting!
Winner- Third Place |
Elaine Ross's "Melted Chocolate" Winner-(tie) Second Place |
Sharon Larsen with the best title: "Orange you Glad I said Chocolate?" |
Susan Rathbun's "Chocolate Caramel Latte" |
Cathy Judkins had fun with the Ten Minute blocks, and giving her quilt a great name: Chocolapalooza! |
Kathi Everett made "Candy Bar Penny Rug" |
Martha Lorshbaugh made "Grasshopper Pie with Butterfly Garnish"
Winner- First Place |
Terry McGuire, "Chocolate and Friend" |
Martha Lorshbaugh, Deliver me From Chocolate? Winner- Best Applique |
Mary Kozub remembering with "More Cake, Momma!"
Winner-(tie) Second Place |
Mary's original photo |
The judges were Barb Miller and Debbie Kenney from Mt Pleasant. ( I assure you neither had seen my quilts before the judging!) They had an awful time, they loved every one of them- and were glad I brought them some chocolate to eat while they decided. Great job, everyone! -Martha