For many years, the first face most members and guests saw at any meeting of the Museum Quilt Guild was that of our membership chair, Millie Kujawski. She was always smiling and usually had a good joke or a good story to share that left everyone else smiling as well.

Millie has had trouble getting to meetings the last couple of years, and others have tried to fill her shoes at the membership/ sign in table. In thanks for her service to the guild, and to show the high esteem the membership still holds for her, Millie was made the first "honorary" member of the guild at the June meeting.
In addition to this, Millie was presented with a quilt, made by member
Sharon Larsen and signed by the membership. One side is in Irish greens
and gold because of Millie's Family heritage.

The other features a fabric with a fabric by "
Loralie". Members were encouraged to sign the panel they felt resembled them the most!
Thanks, Millie! We sure miss you!