Kathi Everett started this piece for an online challenge. |
Show and Tell at the September meeting was longer than usual, and the Silent Auction for next month's Quilt Show received MANY nice pieces afterward!
This piece (left) by Kathi Everett, features a hand embroidered house and hand stamped poem about an empty house, or empty nest.
Kathi made this photo collage- printed on fabric- in a class with speaker Julie Bandon |
This piece, also made at the class, is Kathi's son and his bride at their wedding |
Martha Lorshbaugh finished the last of three "mosaic" quilts |
Elaine Ross's latest Bermuda inspired quilt. |
Tracy Jachimowicz did this as a block of the month series |
Kate presented this sweet little quilt, made by Barb Brady, to the Silent Auction |
Melanie finally made something with the block from George Siciliano's class! |
Melanie also finished her One Block Wonder quilt. The framed pieces are the original wildlife fabric |
Elaine Ross' photo collage from Julie Bandon's class |
Kathy Belluscio made this purse for the Silent Auction |
A poem by Henry Gibson. (Kanzashi flower made by Martha) |
Martha is doing a series of calendar quilts. This was June. |
Martha's July calendar quilt |
Martha's August quilt. Patterns by Kim Schaefer |
Cathy Judkins had to leave the meeting early to give this baby quilt to her daughter |
Christine made this "Professional Tote" |
Lorraine West made this sweet pincushion |
Lorraine also finished a very old UFO to donate to the Silent Auction |
This is a baby quilt Lorraine made for Community Service |
Chris Kuehl donated this to the Silent Auction |
Chris showed her clever hanging technique |
Mary Lu Hodgins won the dye sample from last month's demos and this is the result |
Mary Lu donated this lovely baby quilt to the Silent Auction |
Our speaker, Julie Bandon, shared her quilter's life story with us. The hat was made during her doll-making phase.
Made in a class with Elinor Peace Bailey |
One of Julie's printed photo quilts. |
For more information on Julie's classes, or to contact her for printing your photo on fabric, visit her website:
Next month there will be no meeting, because it's showtime!!!
If you haven't signed up to work, contact Mary Lu Hodgins or Chris Kuehl
See you there!!!