Twenty-six lucky members of the Guild enjoyed a wonderful three day retreat at Camp Asbury on Silver Lake last weekend. The frigid weather made a perfect excuse to stay inside and sew!

As soon as they arrived, everyone sat right down at their machines and started sewing! Here is Jeri Mount and Eula Serrino hard at play!
Jeri was working on this beautiful pattern in Christmas colors |
Barb Brady, her daughter Maureen Tiede and Trudy Kutter kept busy all weekend!
The sun was pretty on the lake late in the day.
So pretty that Lori Anderson put on her arctic gear and went out to take some pictures.
Julie Brandon brought a non- sewing project. We enjoyed watching the transformation with each coat of paint she added to these little figures, made from a "
Frowning Francis" pattern. Beware if you follow the link- her patterns are adorable!!!!
Isn't Julie's tool carrier a hoot!
We all enjoyed the fabric billowing out of Kathi's suitcase!
Lori Anderson made this sweet runner start to this point on Friday. It is to be a gift for a friend who is retiring.
Martha Lorshbaugh set a record pace by finishing two quilt tops on Friday. She cheated, the blocks were all assembled and most of the pieces were all cut before she got to retreat since these had been teaching samples for Scrap Therapy classes.
On the right is "
Charming Buds" and on the left is "
Triple Dip". (assuming of course the spacing stays. If not, the brown one is Triple Dip)
After dinner, a rousing game of Left- Right- Center was played, in two groups. The winners were Eileen Partise and Alex Hammon.
On Saturday we all played in a single game. Kathi Everett won that round, but shared her bounty with everyone. (Did you see her suitcase full of fabric?)

Saturday was gloomier than Friday had been, but it didn't keep the ice fishermen home. (the dot across the lake)
Meanwhile, inside where it was warm and cozy.....
Melanie set herself the challenge of finishing four more of the blocks for her George Siciliano class project. Connie and Martha kept her on track, by threatening not to let her eat dinner.
This is how many she had before...
Everyone had fun wandering around, looking at each other's projects and just enjoying the company of fellow quilters.
Christine Hansen's
Judy Niemeyer project
Lori adapted a picture of a leaf taken by a friend.
Connie (below) and Vinnie finished assembling their "big leaf" from a class they took with Pat Pauly last year.
Barb Brady finished putting this sweet wintertime quilt top together.
Julie added another layer of paint to her stuffies. They look like M&M's, don't they?
Maureen finished assembling this top, which is a gift for her son.
Several ladies were working on their row robin quilts. This one is Tracy's. She spent most of Friday piecing more of the flying geese rows from a printed foundation.
Connie had also brought hers along, but hasn't decided if she wants to make more rows for a bigger quilt.
Laying the rows out to decide the best way to assemble them drew a pretty big crowd. Kathi had brought hers to keep her warm, so she shared it with the others as inspiration.
The food was delicious. Saturday night was a Turkey dinner complete with Pumpkin pie!

Melanie did a happy dance when she finished her four blocks later in evening !
Another couple of retreats and she'll be ready to assemble it!
Martha finished putting this top together using blocks from a swap her online guild did several years ago.
Sunday morning brought us a fresh layer of snow, which we all could have done without!
But after lunch we had a show and tell of projects from the weekend. Apologies in advance if I missed someone, or didn't get a good picture of your project.
Lori is attending her first Bigfoot conference later this year. She will donate this to the silent auction fundraiser. She fussy cut the batik so it looks like a face!

This bright quilt will be a donation to the cancer center at Roswell.
Melanie worked on fussy projects for the most part, but she got a LOT of those tiny triangle units pieced!
Meanwhile, Mary Lowe finished this top with fabrics she bought at the "Quilter's Daughter" shop on Saturday!
Mary pieced this jelly roll race variation Saturday and gave it to Melanie for community service.
Mary assembled and layered this beautiful little sampler. She plans to leave the zigzag edge when it's finished.
Tracy assembled her row robin. It will have flying geese rows at the top and bottom.
Tracy bought this kit at the Quilter's Daughter on Saturday. Some of us think she is ready to teach an applique class!

Kathi spent some time with her snow dyed fabrics. Now she has to dye more fabric to continue.
Kathi also did some hand stitching on this piece for the 6 x 6 project.
Carol McNally made a reversible table runner......
.....pillowcases for her granddaughters....
...and got the borders sewn on this beautiful quilt!
Susan Rathbun made more blocks for her row robin.
Susan made this piece at last year's retreat and added the borders this time.

"All" Susan did on these was "a bit of beading". For some of us, that would have been the project for the whole weekend!
Donna Tomski is preparing for St Patrick's Day
Apparently this quilt top will now be cut up and sewed back together again before it is ready for quilting. We quilters really are an odd bunch, aren't we?
This is one row of what will be a very sweet quilt.
Pat Gardner had babies on her mind- two new boys she was making blankets and burp cloths and assorted snuggies for.
Pat had to get creative with these panels because the makers printed their name way out in the design rather than on the selvedge. Isn't the rick-rack a great addition!?
Shirley Lapp spent some time making pinwheels- and has a lot more to go before she's done.
Shirley was also working on a disappearing four patch quilt. Great colors!
Dorothy Doerrer's woll applique owls. I forgot the name of the designer of the kit.

Dorothy was also doing hand embroidery on some crazy quilt blocks in memory of cats she has loved in the past.
Alex is playing with colors for this star quilt, which was originally intended for the "initially yours" challenge.
Alex has been working on an "I spy" quilt for her son.

This is a wedding gift, that should get to the happy couple within the year Alex has heard is acceptable for wedding gifts.
Kay Lennon started to assemble this pretty piece when she got tired of the mitering on the attic windows quilt below.
Eula got her raggy quilt put together, except for the borders. That fabric decided not to come to retreat.
Jeri decided she needs a bigger space to lay out the Christmas quilt. It's very pretty so far, though!
Using the strip method Shirley showed last year, Jeri started another quilt- which is also very pretty!
Eileen Partise got the center assembled for one of her UFO's. Next she has to get the piano key border laid out.
Mary Ellen Ames decided this Nancy Murty project has aged enough, so is working on the blocks to frame this chickadee!
Vinne Tjhung pieced this quilt for her cat to sleep on.
Vinne improvised on this little bag after realizing she cut the pieces the wrong size.
Connie Grimsley worked on several small projects. She even got them quilted.
They started with Moda candy packs of fabric.
The borders on these two are from a fabric Connie got at the Quilter's Daughter. There was a lot of teasing about people who buy fabric and use it right away!
Christine got her star all put together- well it will be, once she decides the center is "perfect".
Many thanks to Kathi and Tracy for making the arrangements for another great retreat!!! I don't know about the rest of the girls who were there, but I am already looking forward to the next one!!!