The Museum Quilt Guild wishes to thank everyone who came to our show!
We hope you enjoyed viewing it as much as we enjoyed being able to (finally!!) have a show again.
Many many hands go into making a successful show, and I don't mean to leave anyone out, but very special thanks go to Quilt Show Chair Elaine Lemley and Set-up Chair Cathy Schmeider and her husband, Bill.
Hopefully you can see all of the quilts here - when I get the photo album up. (If the link is here, there's an album. If I do it right, you won't need a password. Stay tuned.)
If that doesn't work, try here. Neither should require a password.
Meanwhile, here are the winners of the awards in our show- minus Viewer's Choice, since those will be announced at our November meeting.
Best of Show- Bali Wedding Star, by Liz Scott
This quilt also won the award for best Paper Pieced quilt
Large Quilt Piecing- Wonky Stars, by Tracy Jachimowicz

Large Quilt Hand Piecing- Black and White Scrappy Hexies, by Sue Chiddy
Large Quilt Hand Quilting- Tequilia Sunrise, by Anne O'Geen

Large Quilt Mixed Techniques, by Deborah Vosburg
Large Quilt Machine Quilting- Silver Sisters Challenge, by Cathy Schmeider

Small Quilt Piecing- Baby Boy Quilt, by Donna Tomski
Small Quilt Hand Appliqué- Dresden Bloom, by Jennifer Grimsley
Small Quilt Machine Appliqué- Jacks' Peacock, by Nancy Ellers
Small Quilt Hand Quilting- Quarantea Time, by Jennifer Grimsley
Small Quilt Machine Quilting (Domestic machine)- Icy Willows, by Elaine Ross

Small Quilt Mixed Techniques- Piper, by Chris Kuehl
Small Quilt Machine Quilting (longarm machine)- Silver Sisters challenge, by Cathy Schmeider
Best Miniature- Butterfly, by Mickey Green
Best Home Décor- Feather Your Nest, by Sue Privatera
Most Creative- You Can't Buy Pokeweed at the Garden Center, by Martha Lorshbaugh
Best Use of Color- Handy Dandy Scrap Quilt, by Kathleen Belluscio
Best Art Quilt- Honor, by Nancy Schrader

Visual Impact Award- NearSighted/ Far Sighted, by Elaine Ross
Wool Appliqué 1st Place- Chirp, by Jennifer Grimsley
Wool Appliqué 2nd Place- Some of my Favorite Things, by JoAnn Flynt
This quilt also won the the Quilt Show Chairman's Award
Hand Embroidery- Blessed, by Carol McNally
Judge's Choice- Linda Davis- Symbols of the Underground Railroad, by Sue Chiddy

Judge's Choice- Christine North- Cast of Favorites, by Kevin Hammon
President's Award- Just BEEcause, by Elaine Lemley
Kid's Corner Special Recognition- Patriots Disappearing 9-Patch, by Cassidy and Lilly Mileham, and Addie Lacey

Being a judge must be the most difficult thing at a quilt show. How do you look at all the great work, and choose just a few to win awards? Congratulations to those the judges did choose!