Prize winners included Jean Butzer for Best in Show, with her Grandma's Album, new member Linda Prouty for her "Radiant Star" quilt and Kathi Everett's "Little Black Dress". In all 29 prizes were awarded by our panel of judges to 21 different quilters!! But everyone who attended was a winner, since it was such a feast for the eyes!
In addition to the prizes awarded by the judges the viewer's choice awards were announced at the November Guild meeting.

First place went to Mary Ellen Casey for her "Peaceful Prairie" Quilt (pictured at left)
Second place went to Sharon Larson
for her original "Autumn Under Blue Skies"
(at right)
Full list of winners:

Large Quilt Piecing: Radiant Star by Linda Prouty
Large Quilt Hand Applique: Dahlia's by Barb Brady
Large Quilt Machine Applique: Hannah's Garden by Dodie Morrison
Large Quilt Hand Quilting: Autumn Baskets by Martha Lorshbaugh
Large Quilt Machine Quilting: French Braid Stained Glass by Elaine Ross
Large Quilt Mixed Techniques: Among the Leaves, by Ann Gouinlock

Small Quilt Piecing: Center of Attention by Connie Grimsley
Small Quilt Hand Applique: Floral Applique by Ann Guouinlock
Small Quilt Machine Applique: Wear Warm Clothes by Barbara Brady
Small Quilt Hand Quilting The Magnolia by Cheryl Doody
Small Quilt Hand Quilting, 2nd: Spiraling out of Control by Ann Renica
Small Quilt Machine Quilting: Craig and Martha catching Turtles by Martha Lorshbaugh
Small Quilt Mixed Techniques: Basket of Bloomers by Jean Butzer
Best Miniature: Peppermint Twist in Miniature, by Jean Butzer
Best Miniature, 2nd: Vintage bouquet by Ann Gouinlock
Quilted Fashion: Textured Vest by Elaine Ross
Home Decor: Naptime by Mary Ellen Ames
Most Creative: Little Black Dress by Kathi Everett
Best use of Color: Door Number 1? by Mary Ellen Ames
Special Award for Other Techniques: Textured Star by Pat Gardner

Special Award for Group Quilt: Tulip Friendzy by Ann Gouinlock
Judge's Choice, Judy Farnham: Beyond Black by Ann Michaud
Judge's Choice, Evelyn Pengelly: My Friendship Round Robin by Cheryl Doody
Judge's Choice, Natalie Masker: September Wedding by Becky Nichols
President's Award: Puppy Tracks in the snow by Gladys Van Buskirk
Chairman's Award: Delicate Dreams by Tracy Jachimowicz
See more pictures!!!
The committee reported that, although the show drew a slightly smaller crowd than anticipated, the show was a success. Thanks go to all who helped in any way- and most members of the Guild did! Whether it is by chairing a committee, helping to hang the quilts, sitting a table at the show, or making lots of quilts to show, the show couldn't happen without you!!!
The committee also recommends starting a new raffle quilt right away, if anyone is interested in chairing this project.
In December, the meeting will be held on the 13th, to make it easier for everyone to participate and still be ready for Holiday plans. If you plan to attend, please bring a dish to pass and check your newsletter for a list of items needed to make our special group project- thanks to Connie Grimsley for all her time on this project!