Thursday, May 28, 2009

Esterita Austin visits!

In May, the Museum Quilt Guild had a special treat in the form of a visit from renowned art quilt maker, Esterita Austin.
She spent May 21 - 23 in the area sharing her knowledge, her sense of humor, her artistic talent and her work with the members of the Guild, many of whom spent all three days trying out some new to them quilt making techniques and stretching their artistic wings a bit.

Thursday's class, entitled "Sheers to You!" involved the use of sheer fabrics to create a picture of a wine glass embellished with paints and sparkles among other things.
Some had so much fun with the technique, they went beyond the class project, inspiring Esterita to add new patterns for the class next year !

On Friday, we learned to "Create the Illusion of Depth" in a class where some used only one fabric
to create a wondrous mystery cavern. A little paint adds to the illusion and gives the maker a chance to create her own fabrics, if necessary. At the meeting on Saturday, all showed their class work during show and tell. It was the first time many had seen the rest of the class projects.

In the lecture on Saturday, called "Classic Rock", Ms Austin shared her journey from the sketches in her notebook as an art student to the quilts those sketches became. Along the way, we shared some beautiful pictures and quilts and some interesting stories of the subject matter in some of the pieces.
The Guild would like to thank Elaine for arranging to hold the classes and the meeting at the First Presbyterian Church, which was a perfect venue!

Of course, no Guild meeting is complete without a wonderful line-up of quilts for show and tell!
Gloria had us all in stitches when she stopped to enjoy the oohs her piece received!

Cheryl has always wanted to do a quilt in these colors- and has donated it for Community service.

Ann and her grand daughter had fun designing a quilt for new baby brother!

The round robins were unveiled this month and all seemed very pleased with the results!

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