Show and tell featured some nice Christmas projects.
Mary Ellen Ames said she is NOT cutting into her Judy Neimeyer piece, so it will be a table topper, rather than a tree skirt.
Deb Radzinski brought this to show another member what she did with some old Dresden Plate blocks. It's hand quilted.
Deb was given this quilt by the members of her Rhode Island quilting group as a going away gift.
On the back of Deb's quilt were messages from her friends.
Linda Prouty made four of these Nancy Halvorsen panel quilts for family members.
Shirley Lapp recommends this "Chip and Dip" pattern as a great way to use scraps.
Shirley got the panel to make this at one of our annual flea markets.
Donna Tomski made this paper pieced tree skirt for her granddaughter,
a cute little table runner ,
and some paper pieced cards from a Carol Doak book
Alex Hammon made little crocheted bookmarks for the girls in her girl scout troop,
and crocheted ornaments
Kevin Hammon painted this on commission for a gift.
Kathy Belluscio enjoyed doing hand stitching on this sweet little snowman quilt.
Chris Kuehl is working on this flannel quilt as a gift for her husband.
Nancy Ellers crocheted a little hat for when she has to go out before she's presentable in the mornings.
Then, it was time for Brunch!
Once the meeting ended, we all lined up to try out all the goodies!
Doesn't it all look wonderful!
Then, members who had brought some Christmas projects went table to table to share them.
Shirley Lapp used the "quilt as you go" method for this stocking.
Susan Rathbun brought an older quilt she made, that is still one of her favorite projects.
Bonnie Reigle shared her little gift card holder ornaments.
Pat Gardner shared her wonderful "Triangle Frenzy" projects.
Jean Butzer has made these from batting, wool, fleece. Just cute!
Don't forget the Challenge quilts- using the theme of "Architecture" are due in January, when we will also have our annual flea market. (am I the only one who hasn't even started???)
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