We were much warmer at the February meeting, even though some members had a somewhat hairy drive in. It's always great to see so many of the members come prepared to work on our community service projects!! It's one of the few meetings every year where we can enjoy just spending time together. (And a lot of good work gets done!

Of course, everyone's favorite part of each meeting is the show and tell.
Alex Hammon made this sweet little bag with kitties on it for her mom's birthday!
Robin Jarvis didn't want wall hangings or table runners, so she made her blocks from the beginner classes into a beautiful lap quilt. Above is side one, below is side 2.
Chris Kuehl said she's getting a jump on preparing for the quilt show! This top (above) is Bonnie Hunter's "Frolic quilt- from 2019- which Chris is now looking forward to quilting.
Chris bought the red and white holiday print at last year's holiday silent auction.
Elaine Lemley bought a mystery bag at a quilt show and it turned into this sweet little quilt!
Bonnie Reigle made this cute little bag with fabric she grabbed off the free table.

Bonnie plans to donate this sweet quilt to the silent auction.
Sorry I couldn't get a better picture of the very cute runner Bonnie made. She also had some cord holders- like for your phone charger cord- but they didn't photograph well at all.
Nancy Mitchell made this baby quilt- neutral at the request of the recipient- for a baby shower.
Nancy always finds the cutest projects! She found the bunny bag pattern on pinterest.
Lori Ivison is happy to have finished something from the beginners classes!
No one has contacted me to say they read the blog. It may have outlived its usefulness.